Shared by ShadeofJadeShadeofJade
- 27 Sep 2021 02:29

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Configuration to play Sniper Elite 4 with JoyShockMapper

# I am an amateur with JoyShockMapper. Please contribute any feedback or edits you can. I'd love to learn from you.
# This is my best attempt at approximating SE4's default control scheme. Some functions have been altered for sake of expedience
# More advanced JSM users, please feel free to edit this config. I'd love to see SE4's controls working as the devs intended with added Gyro support
# This Config was designed for a switch pro controller. If your controller has analog triggers, use my other config instead.

# Calibrate. Flick stick relies on good calibration; gyro and stick sens make more sense with it, too
# Please set IN_GAME_SENS to your in game mouse speed setting whenever you change it :)

# Button mappings

L3 = LSHIFT # Sprint
R3 = B # Binoculars

L = F # Use Item

L,ZL = LCONTROL # Click both left triggers to use the iron sights instead of scope
ZL,R3 = MMOUSE # Switch Shoulders
ZL,R = SPACE # Empty Lung

# Adjust Scope Range

# Double-Tap & Hold R to bring up Radial Menu. Single Tap & Hold to disable gyro
R,R = Q
R,RIGHT_STICK_MODE = MOUSE_AREA # Navigate Radial Menu with right stick

ZR = LMOUSE # Fire weapon

UP = SCROLLUP 1 # Tap zoom in ADS, hold for Rifle quick select
DOWN = SCROLLDOWN 4 # Tap zoom out ADS, hold for Item quick select
LEFT = 2 # Quick Select Sidearm
RIGHT = 3 # Quick Select Secondary

#If you prefer to disable gyro with a face button, press and hold South face button

N = E
E = C
W = R

+ = ESC
- = TAB

# Mouse

ShadeofJade's Notes

This is my first from-scratch config. Please forgive any mistakes or oversights. I would love to see someone more familiar with JSM clean this up!

The big idea behind this config was to adapt the traditional Sniper Elite 4 controls to a Switch Pro Controller.

I had a hell of a time figuring out how to make things feel natural.

Key differences:

- L1/R1: L1 will use item instead of R1. R1 is bound to disable gyro, so L1 is the use item button. Since gyro off is bound to R1, double-tapping R1 will bring up the radial menu.
- D-Pad: Traditionally, the D-Pad will function for quick selection of weapons when not using the radial menu. SE4 has controller behavior set to modeshift to zoom/range adjustment whenever the player is either aiming down the scope or looking through the binoculars. I couldn't figure out a way to create a modeshift toggle with R3, so I instead opted to have UP and DOWN be mapped to zoom on tap, and quick select on hold. Just remember to hold down the UP arrow to quick switch to your rifle. Tap left and right to quick switch to your other weapons.
- Face Buttons: SE4 treats the face buttons differently from equivalent keyboard inputs as well. On traditional controls, holding West searches bodies. On JSM, the same input (which can't be changed in SE4 without unbinding a bunch of other bindings) is instead mapped to picking up a different weapon from the environment. I've mapped West to R and North to E for your traditional functional controls, but if you're coming from a traditional controller setup be prepared to make a mental adjustment.

I made a second config for players using DS4 or DualSense (or other gyro-enabled controller with analog triggers) so be sure to check that out too.

How to Use this Config

Using JoyShockMapper configurations is easy once you know how. If you haven't used it before, check out the guide. For using a community config like this one, you only need to get through the first two sections — Installing JSM and Using an already-made configuration file.

Just copy the above configuration into a text file, change the IN_GAME_SENS to match your in-game settings, and then drag that file into JoyShockMapper and hit Enter to use it right away. Some games have their own limitations with certain controllers or require some extra setup, so make sure to check for any notes near top of the main Sniper Elite 4 page.