Shared by Someone64Someone64
- 13 Jul 2021 06:57

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Configuration to play Deep Rock Galactic with JoyShockMapper

# Configuration for Deep Rock Galactic
# Someone64
# (Any line that starts with # is ignored by JoyShockMapper)
# These controls imitate the game's own controller bindings as closely as possible.
# I chose to ignore invite related controls just like the native implementation so 
# sorry to those using a TV with no keyboard at all...

# First, reset to defaults so we don't have to set values we don't care about

# Game uses raw input for camera control which is what's important 
# for our purposes so we don't use COUNTER_OS_MOUSE_SPEED.

# Mouse input for camera control
GYRO_OFF = R3        # Click/hold the right stick to turn off gyro. You'll use this often to readjust your aim.

# Movement
L3 = LSHIFT            # Sprint
S = SPACE            # Jump

# Weapons and tools
ZR = LMOUSE            # Fire weapon
ZL = RMOUSE         # Pickaxe
UP = 1              # Primary weapon
DOWN = 4            # 2nd gadget
DOWN,DOWN = 5       # Double tap to select resupply
LEFT = 2            # Secondary weapon
RIGHT = 3           # Primary gadget
W,ZL = R            # Reload
W,ZR = E            # Interact
E = F               # Flare/Flashlight
R = G               # Chuck a grenade
N = C               # MOLLY! C'MERE!
L = X               # Shout/Laser Pointer
HOME = V            # Press home for ROCK AAAAAND STOOOOOONE!!!

# Miscellaneous
+ = ESC                # Pause the game, exit menus, etc...
- = M                # Bring up the map
-,ZL = SCROLLUP+    # Hold the map button while pressing/holding the left trigger to zoom out of the map.
-,ZR = SCROLLDOWN+  # Same as above but it's the right trigger and zoom in instead.

# Optional Steam Overlay bind. I guess if you wanna accept, decline, and make Steam invites you can use this.

Someone64's Notes

Don't forget to set the IN_GAME_SENS setting to the number you set in game for your mouse sensitivity.

This is meant to mirror as closely as possible the developer's own controller implementation for the game. I had to make a few compromises of course but it's pretty damn close.

How to Use this Config

Using JoyShockMapper configurations is easy once you know how. If you haven't used it before, check out the guide. For using a community config like this one, you only need to get through the first two sections — Installing JSM and Using an already-made configuration file.

Just copy the above configuration into a text file, change the IN_GAME_SENS to match your in-game settings, and then drag that file into JoyShockMapper and hit Enter to use it right away. Some games have their own limitations with certain controllers or require some extra setup, so make sure to check for any notes near top of the main Deep Rock Galactic page.